OK maybe evil is a little strong, but whenever these teams step on the field/court I have to root against them. Unless they were playing Al-Qaeda or Neo-Nazi's I would root for a tie.
Oklahoma Sooners- OK I'm a UT fan, but lets be honest they're called the Sooners. Sooners are settlers who entered the Unassigned Lands before President Grover Cleevland officially declared them for settlement in 1889. In other words, they are cheaters.
San Antonio Spurs- Despite them being the closest professional sports team to me, they still have the most annoying player in basketball, Manu Ginobli. Plus they're just boring to watch. But I do give my respects to Greg Popovich and Tim Duncan.
Miami Dolphins- Damn it, why couldn't they go 0-16 last year. And I'm tired of seeing Bob Griese and the rest of the '72 Dolphins celebrate every year they stay the only undefeated team in the history of the NFL. At least they haven't won a championship since 1973.
New York Yankees- Hank Steinbrenner, case closed.
Boston Celtics- My disdain for this team is fairly recent due to their whooping of my Lakers in last years NBA Finals. Plus for whatever reason, I don't like Paul Pierce.