As a virgin to the haunted house scene, I didn't know what to expect from the House of Torment. How long would it be? Do they touch you? And is it OK to cry? Well, it's only 15 minutes long. Thankfully they aren't allowed touch you (even though it is hard not to push them away in self-defense). And even me being the wimp that I am, did not cry.
The house tries to spook you from the start, with ghouls roaming free by the ticket line. All of the monsters look a little to real for comfort. Especially when they get right up in your face, you can't help but feel a little uneasy.
What impressed me was the diversity in each character and room. You have all your horror essentials: zombies, aliens, pig-men, skeletons, mummies, clowns, and a handful of other bizarre creatures. All of them placed in a room befitting for their evil persona.
Exiting the haunted house is quiet a sight, watching distressed customers trying to forget the experience they had just inflicted upon themselves. And like every attraction, there is a souvenir shop in the parking lot.
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