This FX T.V. series is without question the craziest and most ridiculous show on T.V., and I mean that in a good way. The show is centered around five people who work in a rundown bar called Paddy's in Philadelphia. "The gang" is what they call themselves. There is not an innocent character in the show, all of them are shallow, backstabbing, lazy, and genuinely repugnant.
One of my favorite episodes is when "the gang" decides to start letting high school kids into their bar to "help keep them safe." So naturally the bar becomes packed with high schoolers and all "the gang" can't help but become swept up in all the high school drama. They start going to high school house parties and dating way to young high school kids. Eventually they all get asked to the prom except for one. Mac, a twenty something year old guy doesn't get asked so he decides to go to the prom stagnant. A grow man going stag to the prom, now that's funny. Eventually, they all get pathetically dumped and wind up not going to the prom at all.
Their episode names are so properly titled "The Gang Goes Jihad," "Dennis Looks Like A Registered Sex Offender," or "Sweet Dee's Dating A Retarded Person." All of them are equally offensive an equally funny.
Watch it for free here at hulu.com
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