Monday, November 24, 2008

Trends: The Nostradamus

He may of died over 500 years ago, but he's still getting top 10 search hits with his WWIII prophecies. 

1 comment:

Todd Laurence said...

Nostradamus tells us of a coming supernova, i.e.,
exploded star, in ‘quatrain’ C5 #53.

“The law of the Sun, (a star) contending with
Venus, (the feminine) appropriates the spirit
of prophecy.**Neither the one nor the other
will be understood. The Law of the Great
Messiah will hold through the Sun, (star).

In the letter to King Henry, Nostradamus
makes mention of the Chaldean Alphabet.
“Such is the extent of time past, subject to correction by the most learned judgment, that the first man, Adam, came 1,242 years before Noah (not reckoning by such Gentile calculations as Varro used, but simply by the Holy Scriptures, as best my weak understanding and astronomical calculations can interpret them.) About 1,080 years after Noah and the universal flood came Abraham, who, according to some, was a first-rate astrologer and invented the Chaldean alphabet. About 515 or 516 years later came Moses, and from his time to that of David about 570 years elapsed. From the time of David to that of out Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, born of the unique Virgin, 1,350 year elapsed, according to some chronographs. Some may object that this calculation cannot be true, because it differs from that of Eusebius.
From the time of the human redemption to the detestable heresy of the Saracens about 621 years elapsed. *From this one can easily add up the amount of time gone by.”

*Here he is telling us how to use the numbers,
i.e., years, to determine when the great
changes will appear.

Using the Chaldean numerology, you can
easily determine the time-line….

Ref: Kochab, star of Ursa Minor, (little dipper).

Long known in mythology,(2,467 b.c.e.) it, and
a companion star are called ‘the Guardians of
the Pole’.

Entelek System
New York